Frequently Asked Questions


HomeWhat is SM?Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, clinician, or an individual living with selective mutism, there are a lot of questions about this disorder. We’ve compiled our most-asked questions and answers for you to learn more about SM.

What is selective mutism (SM)?

What other behaviors or personality traits are associated with selective mutism?

How does SM differ from shyness?

What causes selective mutism?

Who gets selective mutism?

How can I advocate for my child and make others more aware of selective mutism?

Should I pressure my child to speak?

Frequently Asked Questions About The Diagnosis of Selective Mutism

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, clinician, or an individual living with selective mutism, there are a lot of questions about this disorder. We’ve compiled our most-asked questions and answers for you to learn more about SM.

Is it important to have my child diagnosed when they are young?

What are the long-term effects of SM? Can an adult have selective mutism?

What is the prognosis for SM? Will my child overcome this?

When are most children diagnosed with SM?

When do I need to seek professional help for my child?

Frequently Asked Questions About Treating Selective Mutism

Why do so few teachers, therapists, and physicians understand SM?

Why does someone develop SM?

How is selective mutism treated?

When should I use medication as part of my child’s treatment?

How should I talk to the other students about a child with selective mutism?

What behavioral characteristics does a child with SM portray in social settings?

Are there other associated behaviors or personality traits?

How common is selective mutism?

How is a child evaluated for SM?

How is medication used in the treatment of selective mutism?

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