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Adelia Sabintsev, Psy.D.

Doctor Adelia, LLC

Dr. Adelia Sabintsev is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Director of Doctor Adelia, LLC, a private practice based in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Sabintsev has over 10 years of experience providing evidence-based treatment for children and families with anxiety disorders (including Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, and Specific Phobias).

Dr. Sabintsev is also extensively trained in evidenced-based therapy including Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and is a certified PCIT (Parent-Child Interaction Therapy) clinician.

Dr. Sabintsev provides treatment in both individual and group therapy formats. In 2023, she launched CUB (Confident-Unique-Brave) Kids Skills Groups, a unique skills group aimed at teaching parents evidence-based skills to assist their child through verbal practice while interacting with their children in a fun environment. She has also served as a younger classroom teacher at an intensive summer camp for children with SM over the past four years, during which she supervised dozens of graduate students and clinicians on PCIT-SM skills. Additionally, she frequently trains school staff in the treatment of anxiety and SM. Lastly, Dr. Sabintsev has developed PCIT-SM comic strips to display skills to providers, teachers, and adults in an easy-to-understand manner.

Dr. Adelia Sabintsev

Contact Info:

8 Reservoir Circle, Suite 105 Pikesville, MD 21208
Pikesville, Maryland
United States
Visit Website
Licensed In: MD, NJ, PA, VA
In Person & TeleHealth