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Elisa Vieira

Elisa Neiva

For longer than 25 years I’ve been acting as clinic psychologist supporting patients with selective mutism and other anxiety related disorders. One meaningful aspect of my work was to give publicity to and increase the awareness about Selective Mutism in Brazil, more specifically in Sao Paulo state, given the persistent lack of understanding on such disorder.

Due to 15 years of intense divulging activities through Social Medias and local press, I accomplished to increase the local community awareness – including schools and educational authorities – about the disorder, which has been revealed either by a higher rate of patients in my clinic, as well by a recent surge of educational professionals looking for orientation.

I was invited to give conferences on Selective Mutism in many Brazilian states. Conducts guidance for parents, teachers and professionals throughout Brazil. The highlights of the treatment at my clinic in Brazil are CBT, horse therapy and animal assisted therapy.


Master's Student in Psychology - Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas - 2022 in progress

Latu Sensu graduated studies – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at “Instituto de Psicologia e Controle do Strees Campinas” – 2015 to 2017

2008 a 2017 – Member of SBPO (Brazilian Society for Psych-oncological)

Psychoanalysis Latu Sensu graduated studies for “Associação Criança” (Child’s Association) in Sorocaba – 2000 a 2004

Latu Sensu graduated studies – Childhood’s Development Psychology at Universidade de Campinas’ Hospital – 1994 a 1995

Psycology – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas – 1989 to 1994

Working Experience

1996 to Present | Clinic Psychologist

1996 to Present – Clinic Psycologist Selective Mutism Brazil @MutismoSeletivoBr and

2008 to 2015 | Foundation and coordination of Grupo Andanças Group for prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer | Project Manager |

2008 to 2015 | Mastology Clinic (Humanitas Oncologia | Clinic Psychologist |

2000 to 2002 | Social reintegration of addicted pregnant women – NPO Lua Nova | Project Manager |

1996 to 1997 | Assistance and Research Group for Children’s Cancer Hospital – GPACI | Psychologist |

Clinic Psychologist

Since 1996 I’m acting as clinic psychologist with a strong focus on children and teenagers diagnosed with anxiety and Selective Mutism disorders, when I developed and publicized educational material and guides more appropriated to local context on the Selective Mutism disorder. Recently I have created the website to divulge and to create awareness on Selective Mutism in Brazil, as well the initiative for the creation of “Day of Selective Mutism” in Sao Paulo State.

Clinic Psychologist – Humanitas Oncologia

For 7 years I acted as clinic psychologist in an Oncological Clinic supporting mainly breast cancer patients. I have taken part of the clinic staff and my responsibilities were to support patients on chemotherapy, radiotherapy, as well post-surgical ones. I also worked with palliative cares while in the clinic.

Psychologist – Grupo Andancas

While working in the private Oncologist Clinic Humanitas I also have created and coordinate in my own clinic a group to support up to 25 breast cancer patients and foster their self-esteem. For 7 years the therapeutic group Andancas, aligned to the program Susan Komen for the Cure, was in charge to promote and organize the Pink October Campaign in Sorocaba, whose 2014 event mobilized more than 5,000 people for breast cancer awareness.

Project Manager – NPO Lua Nova

Psychologist and project manager in charge for the social reintegration of addicted pregnant women, when up to 200 endangered women were supported by me both individually as well in therapeutic groups. One of main therapeutic approach coordinated by me was a craftwork’s workshop, whose goods were sold in a shopping mall – such program was recognized and supported while existing by ASHOKA.

Psychologist – Children’s Cancer Hospital (GPACI)

For almost 2 years I acted as psychologist in a Children’s Cancer Hospital in Sorocaba, being in charge to support patients when in chemotherapy, as well their relatives.

Elisa Maria Neiva de Lima Vieira, Psychologist

Rua Aclimacao 691 sala214 – Jardim Paulistano – Sorocaba SP Brazil

+55 15 9 9125 4122 (mobile) and


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Rua Antonio Perez Hernadez n 300 apt 22 bloco 3
Rua Antonio Perez Hernadez n 300 apt 22 bloco 3
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