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Lindsay Anderson, Psy.D.
Caring Cove
Dr. Anderson is a licensed clinical psychologist and a certified school psychologist who specializes in treating youth with selective mutism, anxiety disorders, oppositional behavior, ADHD, trauma, and depression. Dr. Anderson is committed to using compassionate, evidence-based treatments to meet the needs of children and families. She has dedicated her career to helping children thrive across settings. Prior to opening Caring Cove, Dr. Anderson provided evidence-based treatment for children at various outpatient programs, community mental health centers, schools, inpatients and residential treatment centers. With her experience, she is also well equipped to advocate for the educational needs of children, navigate school systems, provide teacher consultations, and treat difficulties that impede academic performance and success at schools.
Dr. Anderson has expertise in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is one of few therapists in New Jersey certified in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy as a therapist and Level 1 Within Program Trainer. Dr. Anderson is also certified in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and has advanced training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Brazelton Touchpoints, and the Attachment, Regulation and Competency Framework. At Caring Cove, Dr. Anderson provides individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy and parent trainings. She is also the Co-Director of Might Mouth Kids- New Jersey, an intensive selective mutism camp based on Dr. Steven Kurtz’s camp model for treating SM.
Dr. Anderson is also passionate about training future clinicians in evidence-based treatments for children and increasing accessibility to effective services. In addition to running Caring Cove, she currently serves as a Supervising Psychologist at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Visiting Clinical Supervisor at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP).
Her clinical experiences have fueled her research and passion for training other practitioners. She has written book chapters, published articles in peer-reviewed journals, and presented at national and international conferences on the topics of child and family therapy.