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Melyssa Mandelbaum, PsyD
Ascend Behavioral Therapy
Melyssa Mandelbaum, Psy.D., is the founder and clinical director of Ascend Behavioral Therapy, a private practice in New Jersey. She completed her doctoral training at Long Island University, Post Campus. She earned her B.A. in psychology from Barnard College. Melyssa has received intensive training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for individuals across the lifespan, and is certified in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Selective-Mutism (PCIT-SM). At her current practice, Melyssa provides CBT, DBT-informed treatment, and PCIT-SM to individuals presenting with a variety of mental health concerns. Melyssa has conducted clinical research with both children and adults. Melyssa has done research on effectiveness of PCIT-SM intensive interventions and effectiveness of DBT graduate group. Her doctoral research focused on the effects of mixed-age free play in school-age children.